April 09, 2020

Oleh: Karina Hanum Luthfia
(Mahasiswi S3 Kajian Amerika UGM dan Dosen Sastra Inggris Universitas Negeri Semarang)

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Film is considered as one of the popular cultures in the twentieth century. The audio-visual effect is able to provide the hyperreality realm of which the viewer can experience the feeling of the narration better than only by reading the novel. For that reason, the usage of film in the literary studies brought advantages in spreading the story and meaning of the text from the literary works. However, the transformation of the literary work to film definitely created a distinguished version among two literary formations. In the literary work, the main concern of the authors is to express the ideology and perspective without any concern if the reader will accept the fact or not, writing is for the sake of the writer. Nevertheless, in producing a film, the viewers are the main focus since producing film required a considerable budget. It can be inferred that film is able to represent the social contour and consideration of the society, as viewer, than in the literary work. 

“If adaptation studies at first glance seems a somewhat minor and peripheral field within cinematic theory and analytic, in other sense it can be seen as quite central and important.” (Stam and Raengo, 2005: 45)

As mentioned that film is created for the sake of the viewer, in transforming the text from the literary work into the film’s script, the adaptation is involved. The adaptation space between the literary work and the film is a substantial issue in film transformation. The adaptation space is taken into account to reveal the dynamic shifting of the social consideration from the previous social group reflected on the literary work to the recent social group as film’s viewer, through the analysis of time and space. The time and space investigation usher to the shifting meaning in accordance to culture, tradition, and social consideration among distinguished literary formations.



Karina Hanum Luthfia atau biasa dipanggil Hanum, adalah seorang mahasiswi S3 Pengkajian Amerika yang juga mengajar di Universitas Negeri Semarang. Saat ini sedang menitikberatkan fokusnya ke kampus untuk mengajar dan penelitian mengenai gerakan literasi di Indonesia. Ia juga memiliki pengalaman menjadi volunteer dan researcher di salah satu locally run NGO di Yogyakarta.

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